Reflection based on the Word of God (Luke 8, 19-21)
Andre, Our Brother
Many ordinary people of Quebec have viewed Brother Andre as a
brother with whom they can identify; he was and remains one of
their own. However, the event of his canonization cannot help but
raise once more the question of the vocation of the brother in the
Church. A vocation not always recognized and understood except
in comparison with the vocation of the priest — an approach which
usually ends up reducing the brother to second-class. But with the
canonization of Brother Andre, such categories and boundaries
fade to the periphery. Something else comes to the fore, apparent
to the eyes of the questioner.
Quite apart from any consideration of status or ministry, the
religious brother is called to incarnate, by the example of his life,
the surprising rejoinder of Jesus to his own relatives who wanted
to see him: “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the
word of God and put it into practice.” (Luke 8, 21) By the grace of
God, the religious brother first and foremost responds to Jesus’
call to personify what it means to be brother, to be a brother in
Jesus, and thereby, be a brother to all. A brother is recognized not
so much by his doing, but rather his manner of being, in relation
to others.
Behind the immediately obvious countenance of wonderworker,
Brother Andre was a man of acceptance and compassion. His
entire life was given over to the service of others who needed
comforting in a brother’s arms.
(Brother Gerard Dionne, CSC)